The world's leading one to one lending platform
Australia's first true peer-to-peer lending platform puts legitimate Borrowers in front of entrepreneurial Lenders.
Your life, your money, your decision!
We provide a real-time, live platform for legitimate Borrowers that may not meet over regulated lending criteria with the opportunity to source direct funding.
The system caters to Micro Lenders, First Time Lenders and even Sophisticated Lenders, giving them the opportunity to deal directly with Borrowers, make their own decisions on who and how much they wish to lend and earn good returns with 100% of profits being retained by the Lender.
How It Works
State-of-the-art system matches lenders with suitable borrowers
Whether you're a Lender or a Borrower there are several benefits to using our platform!
Our Lenders, including Mum & Dad micro investors up to high net-worth investors receive a better rate of return on their investment than is available with traditional platforms. Whilst Borrowers have the opportunity to present themselves directly to private lenders in a simple, easy to use application process that can result in being offered loans they would otherwise be unable to obtain through conventional lenders.
Many Borrowers do not fit the often dated and overly complicated banking and lending requirements. Using our platform, Borrowers get to put their application in front of private lenders who are not constricted by company rules.
Lenders using our platform can potentially receive a better return on their investment than is available with traditional investment platforms and have total control over their investments with the Lender receiving 100% of monies repaid
The process is simple!
As a Borrower, you can sign-up and apply for a loan in a matter of minutes! The terms of your loan is then presented to all the potential Lenders in our system and once accepted - you can have your money in a matter of minutes!

Borrowing Money
Borrowing money with EasyPayd gives you competitive rates using a simple, easy to use platform that lets you apply for a loan in a matter of minutes!